This book is a collection of detective stories written in groups at the beginning of the school year 2016/2017 by 8th grade students from ‘Tudor Vladimirescu’ Secondary School in Tg.-Mureș, Romania. There was a lot of hard work from the part of the students but it was worth the effort: the result has just surpassed my expectations.

Click on the link below and Enjoy reading!

Teacher Gabriela Șandru


Winter Festival 2016

Posted: 11 decembrie 2016 in Uncategorized

The most wonderful time of the year was celebrated by the Mureș County English teachers with the 16th edition of the Winter Festival thanks to the sustained effort and involvement of coordinating teachers Gabriela Șandru and Adriana Boiti and the support of Mrs. Iulia Luca, the Modern Languages Inspector!

The show was opened by Ms. Gabriela Șandru’s 8th graders, the siblings Daria and Răzvan Târnăvean, from Tudor Vladimirescu School with dance! They were followed by another student from Tudor Vladimirescu School, Ariana Mureșan’s who interpreted the song „Happy Christmas”. The “JingleBells” rang with the students from School Number 7, led by teachers Carmen Dumitru and Simon Enikő! Then, the students from Alexandru Ioan CuzaSchool coordinated by teacher Cherecheș Nicoleta wanted to „Shake Up Christmas” and then, from the same school, the Ms. Șerban Klaudia’s students sang and danced for the audience. More 7th graders from Tudor Vladimirescu School wanted to „Go Tell It on the Mountain”. Their teacher, Ugron Erika arranged with „The Herald Angel” and „Snowey Pockey”, to have the best Christmas celebration, full of snow, music and goodwill. So, they decided to „Let It Snow, Hark!”

“All I want for Christmas is you” declared the students from Serafim Duicu  School and their teachers, Ercse Eva and Hrișcă Andra Camelia. After that, the song “Halleluiah” was interpreted by the student from Alexandru Ioan Cuza School led by teacher Szabo-Ádám Béla. Dacia Schoolcoordinated by teacher Anamaria Gălățean was also welcomed to the show with Jingle Bells Rock! The magic of Christmas was then delivered by the students from George Coșbuc and their teachers, Ada Moldovan and Tana Opferman, who wanted to tell us about “A Snowman Called Trouble”. “Away in a manger” the students from the Arts Vocational High-School helped by their teacher, Nagy Erika had spotted “Rudolph, the red nosed reindeer”.  “All I want for Christmas is you” to be merry and joyful, as merry and joyful as the 5th graders Maria, Ariana, Mara from Europa School and their teacher, Lucia Cridon. Next, a Ms Maria-Liana Rusuțs student, Andreea Vasiu concluded: “So, this is Christmas”!

The students from Dr. Bernády György School and their teacher Diana Pitea were ready to learn „How to Believe”and wished us „Merry Christmas Everyone”! „Once upon a Decemberwe got dreamy and passionate with a Vienese waltz brought by students from Mihai Viteazul School thanks to the goodwill of teacher Adriana Boiti. Special guests tonight – teacher’s son, Mr. Adrian Boiti and his partner, Miss Izabella Hoffman.

Next, the students from Dacia School coordinated by teacher Raluca Tătar brought some “Joy to the world”! Unirea High-School was present today with Christmas songs and a dance prepared by students and teacher Andreea Năznean. A very original Christmas Cup Song was delivered to the audience by students from Nazna School who have worked hard to master the cups under the careful guidance of their teacher, Mihaela Stoica. “Long Time Ago in Bethlehem” Mary’s boy child, Jesus Christ,
was born on Christmas Day according to students from Cristești School and their teacher, Adela Hădărean. Next, a group of students from Sâncraiu de Mureș School, led by teacher Raluca Chertes, brought happiness on the stage and had the “Jingle Bells Rock” again! Students from Dr. Bernády György School led by teacher Márton Imre climbed the stage with a message of peace and understanding: “Halleluiah”! They were shortly followed by students from Mihai Viteazul School led by their teacher Bara Kinga, who told us about “Mary’s Boy Child”.

“The Silent Night” was given by students from The Vocational Arts High-School led by teacher Mogyorosi Eva, followed shortly after by the students from Acățari School, coordinated by the same teacher, with a poetical moment and the songs „Hello, Reindeer” and “Little Snowflake”. A group of students from Nicolae Bălcescu School, led by teacher Zsigmond Imola helped us stretch our legs and get into the Christmas spirit by making the “Bells Jingle”! Another festive Christmas moment was delivered by students from Unirea High-School, coordinated by teacher Laura Sabău who wanted to “Let it Snow” as “Santa Claus is coming to town”! Sfântul Gheorghe School in Sângeorgiu de Mureș and their teacher Lidia Zaharia-Stremțan brought more “Joy to the world”! „Merry Christmas” is the wish granted upon us by the students from Nicolae Bălcescu School, led by teacher Petruța Vodă, who “Rocked the Jingle Bells” for us! Ms. Borsos Katalin’s students from Mătrici School also brought „Joy to the World”, in the „Silent Night”, then „Decked the Halls” and wished us a very „Merry Christmas” by the “Christmas Tree”!

The show was concluded with a choreographic moment by students from Unirea High-School and their cool teacher, Adrian Costea: “Jingle Bells” Dance and “The Unicorn” Dance and the students from Papiu High-School, led by teacher Dragoș Bucur: poems, dance and Feliz Navidad”!

We hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did and look forward to meeting again next year! May Lovely Happy Times decorate your holiday season, special memories brighten your New Year and your homes be filled with lots of happiness, peace and love… ooh – and lots of presents! Merry Christmas, everyone and a very Happy New Year!

Treasure Hunt 2016

Posted: 12 iunie 2016 in Uncategorized

We are extremely glad to see that our English contest is quite a success among students from schools all over the Mureș County! In the preliminary stage – the written exam – 128 students from 16 schools competed for the treasure. 88 students (11 schools) managed to qualify for the final stage: „Tudor Vladimirescu” School, „Europa” School, „Unirea”  High-School, „Mihai Viteazul” School, „George Coșbuc” School, „Al. Ioan Cuza” School, „Bolyai Farkas”High-School, The Roman-Catholic High-School, „Al. Papiu Ilarian” High-School, „Sf. Gheorghe” School (Sîng. De Mureș) and „Romulus Guga” School. 10 of the students did an awesome job in the written test and got 90 points or above. They were rewarded with diplomas and prizes: Codarcea Veronica, Șandru Kara Medeea, Simina Alexia, Szekely David, Anca Rada Sofia, Duval Miruna, Rusu Vlad, Baternai Márk, Zurgălău Rareș and Moldovan David.

For the final stage a supervising team (a teacher + volunteer student) was assigned to each team. Next, in each team students were tied at their ankles to one another using duct tape, so they had to synchronize their steps in order to be able to move forward. Secondly, they were handed an envelope containing the first clue – which sent the teams on a ‘Treasure Hunt’ – they were to find another clue that sent the team to a further point where they found find another clue and so on. At ‘START’, each team opened their envelopes. The Last Battle (The Battle of Words) was at 11.15: a role-play on the topic “At the Doctor’s”, which was to be performed in front of a Jury made up of 8 teachers of English! The teams were awarded points for originality, accuracy of language, unity of the team, body language and overall impression. The points awarded for the speaking test (the role-play) was added to those obtained by each school at the written exam so here are the finalists and their scores:


Școala Gimnazială  „Tudor Vladimirescu”, Tg.-Mureș

Colegiul Național „Unirea” Tg.- Mureș

Școala Gimnazială „Europa”,  Tg.-Mureș

Școala Gimnazială „Mihai Viteazul”, Tg.-Mureș

Școala Gimnazială  „George Coșbuc”, Tg.-Mureș

Liceul Teoretic „Bolyai Farkas”,  Tg.-Mureș

Școala Gimnazială  „Al. Ioan Cuza”, Tg.-Mureș

Liceul Teologic Romano-Catolic,  Tg. -Mureș

Colegiul Național „Al. Papiu Ilarian”, Tg.-Mureș

Școala Gimnazială „Romulus Guga” Tg.-Mureș

Școala Gimnazială „Sf. Gheorghe”, Sângeorgiu de Mureș

Written exam












Oral exam




































Congratulations to all! Special THANKS to all the participating teachers – everything was possible because of your involvement in the contest! We hope we’ll be seeing you again next year!

We welcome all schools in Mureș County at the 4th edition of the best English contest in the county!

Have a great summer holiday!

Tudor Crew


Restaurant Role-plays by 7B

Posted: 5 martie 2016 in English

English Alive!

Posted: 27 ianuarie 2016 in English

English Speaking Task for my 8th graders – Design a radio / TV commercial. Check them out & Enjoy!

Teacher G.Șandru


European Day of Languages

Posted: 29 septembrie 2015 in English

On September 25th, 2015 we celebrated the European Day of Languages through an interactive contest. Teams of 4 students from each secondary class had to answer a series of questions on the topic of languages and European culture. If the first section of the contest tested the general knowledge of the students, the last part of the contest involved studentsț creativity – each team had to design a multilingual poem / chant / song on the topic ”Celebrating languages”. Here are the first place winners – 6th A graders (Edi, Kara, Rareș, Elsa) with their song.

Teacher of English,

Ms. Gabriela Șandru

The so-called ‘Boomerang Boy’ is a 15-year-old boy who keeps coming back to the court because of his countless acts of robbery, shoplifting, vandalism and so on and who inspired our 8th grade students to create these role-plays.

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Spelling Bee 2015

Posted: 13 aprilie 2015 in English

And the winners are…

3rd Prize – Șandru Kara Medeea, class 5 A

Honorable Prize – Vlad Antonia, class 5 A

Honorable Prize – Gânj Amelia, class 6 B


Teacher, G. Șandru

Ziua Francofoniei 2015

Posted: 13 aprilie 2015 in Francais

În fiecare an, în data de 20 martie, este sărbătorită Ziua Internațională a Francofoniei, zi dedicată celor 274 de milioane de oameni din întreaga lume, care vorbesc sau folosesc în mod regulat limba franceză, una din cele două limbi vorbite pe toate continentele, alături de limba engleză. Limba franceză, valorile solidarității umane și dialogul inter-cultural ce definesc francofonia sunt celebrate în această zi în peste 100 de țări.
În acest an școlar, elevii Şcolii Gimnaziale ,Tudor Vladimirescu’au celebrat Săptămâna francofoniei şi a limbii franceze (16-20 martie) prin diverse activităţi specifice. Au realizat o mini-expoziție alcătuită din două panouri principale: 1. La Francophonie dans le monde – harta lumii francofone cu steagurile principalelor ţări francofone; 2. Pourquoi apprendre la langue française? – 5 argumente pentru învăţarea limbii franceze, dar și din mai multe proiecte ce surprind aspecte ale culturii franceze (literatură, cinema, modă).
În data de 20 martie, elevii claselor VI –VIII au participat la un Quiz al Francofoniei prin care și-au demonstrat nu doar cunoștinţele de limba franceză ci și dragostea faţă de cultura francofonă. De asemenea, în cadrul activităţii intitulate ’J’aime parler français’ coordonată de d-na profesor Man Mihaela, elevii francofoni si francofili din clasele V-VIII i-au avut ca invitaţi pe câțiva reprezentanţi din clasele a 3-a B si a 4-a B. Elevii claselor mai mari au reușit sa le capteze interesul celor mici nu doar prin prezentarea interactivă a semnificaţiei și a importanţei Zilei Internaţionale a Francofoniei ci și printr-un program artistic în limba franceză. Sceneta în limba franceză ’L’école d’hier – L’école d’aujourd’hui’, dar și cântecele in limba franceză ’Jean Petit qui danse’ și ’Si tu aimes les dinosaures’ i-au atras pe cei mici în lumea universului francofon. La final, eleva Vlăgea Daniela din clasa a VII-a B i-a încântat pe toţi, protagoniști și invitaţi deopotrivă, cu un dans modern pe ritmuri moderne – cântecul Tourner dans le vide , interpretat de Indila. Această activitate care a avut drept scop promovarea spaţiului francofon, a diversităţii şi valorilor francofone, marcarea identităţii francofone a României în rândul elevilor din clasele ciclului primar – a fost pe placul invitaţilor care au promis că vor mai participa la astfel de evenimente.
În aceeași zi, elevii Kara Medeea Şandru, Antonia Vlad (clasa a V-a A), Henrietta Orian, Diana Oprea (clasa a VII-a A), Maria Gînţa (clasa a VII-a B), Florin Dumitrescu și Alexandra Oltean (clasa a VIII-a B) au participat la Festivalul Francofoniei – ediţia 2015 care a avut loc în Sala Festivă a Liceului Tehnologic ’Ion Vlasiu’. Aceștia au prezentat sceneta în limba franceză ’L’école d’hier – L’école d’aujourd’hui’, reușind să reprezinte cu mândrie și responsabilitate Scoala Gimnazială ‚,Tudor Vladimirescu’’ la acest eveniment judeţean dedicat limbii și culturii franceze. Colega lor, Delinke Novák, din clasa a VIII-a B, alături de prietenii din trupa Fantasy de la Palatul Copiilor a reușit sa-i încânte pe spectatori cu momentul deosebit de dans clasic pe melodia Indilei – Dernière danse – desăvârșind astfel imaginea francofonă și francofilă a școlii noastre.
prof. Man Mihaela

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Spooktacular Halloween 2014

Posted: 1 noiembrie 2014 in English

Teaching English is not only about teaching words, set phrases and rules. It is also about raising students’ awareness of the English culture. In order to better understand the language, students need to know about the customs and tradition that are typical to the Anglo-Saxon world. Therefore, activities that focus on typical holidays (such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick’s Day or Valentine’s Day) are a must for our students.

Accordingly, secondary classes at `Tudor Vladimirescu’ School were involved in a SPOOKTACULAR SCHOOL PARTY on the 31st of October in the school’s gym. Halloween was celebrated with laughter and good will. Among the most enjoyed activities and contests were Scarecrow Building, Mummy Race (won by class 5B), and Catch the Monster’s Tail (won by class 7B). Besides the 3 kilograms of candies scattered in the school’s park that were to be found in a Scavenger Hunt (won by class 5C) after dark at the light of the flash-lights, all participating  classes won at least a big bag of marshmallows.

Miss/ Mister Halloween were elected among the 5th graders at the end of a series of tests meant to emphasize the intelligence and personality of the contestant, alongside the costume chosen. For the 2014 contest the titles were won by Șandru Kara Medeea and Zurgălău Rareș, both from class 5 A. the best costumes were awarded to Moldovan Darius – 5B, Șomfălean Antonia – 5A, Moldovan Laurențiu – 5B, Cândea Ana – 5B.

For the carved pumpkins, the jury made of teachers Zaharie Daniela, Nistor Lorena, Lorinczi Izabella, Șandru Gabriela, Bucur Laura and Groza Sabina gave 6 votes to the Jack-o-Lanterns carved by Șomfălean Antonia – 5A, Pintea Mara – 6B and Șandru Kara Medeea – 5A, 5 votes to Oprea Bianca – 8B and Megheșan Ioana – 7B, 4 votes to Coșarcă Ionuț – 7B. For the selection of the winning Jack-o-Lanterns the jury took into consideration the complexity of the carving, the added material and the overall effect of the Jack-o-Lantern.

All in all, the night was a success as it managed to bring a ray of light into the lives of our students, and a happy smile on their face!

Teacher of English,

Gabriela Șandru

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